How to Save The World

Reverend Kristen Petroff
13 min readMar 17, 2024


Do you think about life a lot. Why we are here and shit like that. Hindsight is 20/20 so has anyone really looked back to how we started to see how to make us better.

What I see when looking back is a severe lack of planning.

We didn’t build roads wide enough, our coastlines are obstructed, we poison our own food.

We only asked, “Could I make this” not “Should I make this”.

We do not educate our children properly.

We did not put enough restrictions on how much the government can control us and what powers they should have.

We regulate cigarettes but drug companies can tout their wares during Saturday cartoons directly to kids.

We allowed an entity, the church, to invade logical and practical thinking by making an invisible deity to bow to.

A complete and total lack of planning.

We cannot change the past, but we can do a much better job of looking forward.

The UN’s projections report predicts that the human population will peak at around 10.4 billion people, before decreasing, around the year 2100. That’s a lot for one planet to sustain and we are doing a horrible job of sustaining it.

Here is what we need to do to fix our world.

Education and Kids:

Beginning in preschool, kids need to be taught about empathy, volunteering, voting, the ecosystem, recycling, and littering. Kids need to be taught at a young age how every step they take in life influences everyone and everything else on this planet. This education needs to continue from kindergarten to the last year of high school.

Kids need to be taught ALL history. White history is around because white people enslaved, brutalized, raped, and killed people of other races and religions for greed. Then they made up stories to suit themselves that rid themselves of the guilt of enslaving, brutalizing, raping, and killing people of different races and religions for greed.

Kids should be taught that every single life matters. Kids need to be taught that many people do not get treated the same as others, and we should do everything we can to make life equal for all.

Kids in school should be taught about Enron, PG&E, the Sacklers, DuPont and Monsanto. Kids in school should be taught that greed is evil and the cause of many unnecessary crimes, illnesses, and deaths.

Kids in school should be taught how to balance their bank account, how to invest in stock and real estate. They should be taught how to shop, cook, do laundry, do basic home and car maintenance.

Everyone needs a break. Bring real recess back, 30 minutes twice a day, OUTSIDE. Breaks between classes should be 10 minutes, lunch should not be rushed.

Classes should be staggered. We force schedules on kids that many cannot adhere to.

The Environment:

We no longer build things to last. Why not? Things that last are not profitable. We need to start this practice again and not make everything so “disposable”.

Composting and collecting rainwater should be mandatory, as should recycling. Penalties for those that don’t.

Trash and microplastics. Well, if you want to be a corporation, you need to be responsible for your trash. McDonalds, Pepsi, Coke, Burger King, Taco Bell, 7–11,etc., should be penalized for promoting littering. Their waste is everywhere.

Trash and recycling bins should be everywhere in public, in every city. Make the big guys above pay for it.

We need sustainable fuels, as fossil fuels will never be the solution.

Solar panel farms need to be built above things, not on open land, and they should be everywhere. Farms and families can live below.

Can you imagine driving along PCH, any coastline, and seeing the ocean as it was meant to be, instead of all of these houses and hotels polluting our view? Our View. Here, there, and everywhere. Then the owners complain and want the government to bail them out when their home or hotel falls into the ocean. They took these beaches away from millions of people and kept them for their own. They destroy our public land to keep those businesses and houses. They deny us beach access and now want our sympathy and a bail out.

No more building on coastlines. All properties must be five miles or more from any coastline. Here, there, and everywhere. We need our open, natural spaces.

And noise pollution. When was the last time you heard quiet where you live? We have clothes dryers that buzz, phones that ring, emails that ping, neighbors who blast their radio with no concern. Trash trucks, loud cars, modified motorcycles. Chain saws, leaf blowers, lawn mowers. It has got to stop.

We live on top of each other. If not in an apartment, in a densely populated suburbs where you can hear your neighbor’s toilet flush.

But the noise. Noise all the time is unsustainable for most.

Why are there not more limits to this type of pollution? Why are we not fighting this more? Noise pollution causes stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, and lack of sleep. Why isn’t our government looking at this as a problem in the world? And as a cause of why some people are so angry? Can you see how noise pollution affects you?

Electric vehicles: Cars, motorcycles, mopeds, and trucks alone would rid us of most of the noise pollution in the world as well as reduce fossil fuels and carbon emissions.


People in our current government, instead of admitting their wrongs, only push deeper into the abyss of denial.

Government is a messy situation at best. As of today, 2024, we are no longer a United States of America and it is doubtful we will be again for quite some time. This is going to be a tough road and it will come with much heartbreak. The rest of the world is no more united than we are. It is a time of unrest.

We need true separation of church and state.

Our representatives should only get the pay and benefits an average person does. Like medical insurance. They should not be able to make money off their position in government once they are gone. Back to the workforce like the rest of us.

The Government, any government, needs to stay out of our bodies. They do not get to tell us how to live, who to marry or what gender we can be. They say we cannot have abortions then deny us birth control and make adoption a heartbreaking process. The government is the one who made all these medical breakthroughs a reality. Grants for medical research are all it takes. Then the government denies us the rights to use these medical benefits to make our lives better and more meaningful. The government, in some way, shape or form, PAID for the research that we now have for people to be the gender they want to be. Then they take it away.

We need a third political party and a fourth. To bring us together, not to divide us.

The United States Government has divided this country. No other force has done so much harm besides religion. No one on the hill can agree with the other party. There is no compromise, which is the heart of existence. We all must compromise. Every…single…day.

We compromise for our spouses, kids, neighbors, the people we work with. We compromise what we want every day because no one gets everything they want. We compromise when we yield to another driver or shopper. We compromise when we cook dinner, so everyone has what they want. We compromise with friends so we can all eat at the same place for lunch.

We compromise every day, but our government cannot seem to do that in a way that benefits us. Our government has all become actors on a stage because now every single thing they do is posted somewhere on social media. They hold court in front of the camera, and we watch. We watch and wait for their foibles, their missteps, their mistakes.

Therein lies part of the problem. Us. We watch.

We don’t get our asses off the couch and vote against stupidity and for humanism.

We don’t get our asses off the couch and get involved.

There is so much we can do for each other but yet we don’t. We wonder why nothing gets done and it is simply because we don’t do it.

We watch TV all day and then wonder why actors are paid so much. We sit on the couch instead of going out and doing good for the world.

Everyone should be required to vote. They should also be educated on what they are voting for. Have a monetary penalty and additional education if they do not. In every country around the world. Only then will the people have spoken.

Instead of watching reality stars on TV, watch someone explain what we are voting on.

The Church:

The church, any church, is a business. Businesses are subject to taxes. Do the math.

There should be no prayer meetings in the Capital. No minister on hand. No prayer before a vote.

The church needs to stay out of politics. The bible was written by a white man in order to control those around him. That’s it. Think about it.


Corporations. One person’s idea, enlarged to a bigger concept.

The problem with capitalism.

A corporation may have a board, staff etc., but it is the creators’ vision, and that creator can do whatever they want with their money, even influence elections.

This is why you are not paid a living wage, because, if corporations really wanted to, they would pay you your worth.

The Koch Brothers, Chik Fila, Hobby Lobby, 7–11, Mc Donalds, all of the owners take profits from the company, in one way or the other, and donate to political or charitable causes that affect every human on this earth. Causes you or I may or may not believe in. We may not even know about the causes being supported. We have no idea, as regular people, how corporations lobby for rules to help them build bigger businesses. How they “donate” to politicians to sway their votes.

To hide their corporate destruction to the planet and the life on it.

We need to do away with corporations’ involvement with the government.

No more Citizens United. No more lobbyists. Term Limits. All candidates must fundraise grassroots style only.

When will we end the “good old boy” of way of doing business?

What will it take for each of us to treat the other as a human and not a color, religion, or political party?

Why do we still have men and women, some of whom barely have a high school education, running this world? Why can’t we have an intelligence test to be in government? Why can’t we have an age ceiling limit?

The general workforce is told to retire by between 65 and 75, yet we have people almost two decades older than that running our country, making our decisions. Men and women with old fashioned views that are afraid to move forward. Afraid of change. Afraid of evolving.


If you look back in history, democrats were republicans and republicans were democrats. Marxism is a bad thing if you look at it one way and good if you look at it another.

Same with Socialism. Capitalism. Communism.

Read this and understand the simplest of definitions pulled from the internet:

Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Marxism is an economic and political theory that examines the flaws inherent in capitalism and seeks to identify an alternative, which Marx called utopian socialism. Marxist theories were influential in the development of socialism, which requires shared ownership by workers of the means of production.

Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Communism, Socialism and Marxism seem very similar with the outlier being capitalism. Capitalism is the only “ism” that does not benefit society as a whole.

How can Capitalism be a good thing then?

We need a society that can take Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Marxism and create a future for the next generations. A mix. Like the humans on Earth that we are. A mix.

Unless we change the “I need” into “What do you need” we cannot survive as a species because greed will take over, as it has, and kill the planet. One microplastic at a time.

A person, any person, can still have what they want, and benefit society as a whole.

Why can’t we look after each other every day instead of just when disaster strikes?

What we need to start doing is called Humanism.

Humanism — an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

That is a concept I can stand behind.

We need to evolve to survive:

Evolving means changing the way we do things. Everything we do. Every way we act and respond.

We need to evolve. Now.

Evolving will mean having more empathy for others. That includes: People, animals, plants, soil, air, and water.

That means looking up at a tree before you cut it, asking yourself if you are killing life so you don’t have to rake the leaves. All sorts of critters live in the trees. Have you ever checked a tree before you trimmed it or cut it down? You probably ground up baby birds in a woodchipper. Did you even think about that?

That means fishing with sustainable materials like disintegrating hooks and wire, so you are not damaging and torturing animals. We do not know the full extent of what any other life feels like when it is hurt or damaged. A fish, a tree…they cannot scream.

It means fixing all pets. Not allowing unnecessary breeding of animals for profit.

Not allowing hunting for profit or “vanity”.

Empathy is thinking of the result before you do the action. It is that simple. What will my action cause? Will it do good or harm? That is all empathy is, thinking ahead and thinking of others. It means giving the benefit of the doubt. Empathy means kindness. We need to teach empathy at all levels.

Generations of Entitlement:

Why are people so angry? It can’t be just the noise. I think many feel they are entitled. More people in the world. More entitlement. More anger.

I have a friend. Nice guy. But a “why me” person. Many people are “why me” people. These are the ones that complain and complain. They don’t vote, they don’t volunteer, they do nothing about what is bothering them, much less what is bothering someone else. They don’t listen. They don’t learn. He thought everything would be handed to him on a silver spoon just because he was good at what he did. He didn’t want to work for it. He was entitled.

We are lazy and entitled society.

Capitalism Kills:

“Dwindling safety nets, stagnant wages, and a lack of community resources are driving more and more Americans into a level of poverty that will claim nearly 1 million lives each year. That’s more deaths caused by capitalism than heart disease or cancer.”

Read the whole article here:

“Capitalism can become a factor in an individual’s death in various ways. It can be as straightforward as not being able to afford sufficient food or shelter and dying from malnutrition or exposure. Or it can be a bit more insidious.

Capitalism, or sometimes a fear of any other system but capitalism, is the cultural force that keeps Americans paying astronomical amounts for mediocre healthcare. Capitalism keeps higher education both exclusive and expensive. It also keeps people overworked, underpaid and too beaten down to organize and engage with their communities.

Capitalism is what keeps people living — and dying — in poverty. Income inequality isn’t only about income. People with the lowest incomes have an average life expectancy of six and a half years lower than those with the highest incomes. That’s before we even start discussing quality of life.”

Capitalism brought us Phillip Morris — Cigarettes, Dupont — Deadly pots and pans, the Sacklers — Oxycontin, PGE — Think Erin Brokovich.

Our soil is poison. Our food is poison. Our water is poison. Our air is poison. This is OUR slow death that will lead to cancer, birth defects, and other ailments. The list is ENDLESS.

They think smoking is the worst thing we can do to our bodies.

And these people, these corporations, rarely get punished as they should be. Why?


CEO’s get rich off your back breaking hard work. It is your hours in a cubicle, a kitchen, the hot sun or freezing cold, while they sit in a huge, unnecessary, climate controlled office and get catered lunches and paid for vacations. Think Clarence Thomas.

CEO’s make you go to work when the weather is bad, and the state says don’t drive. CEO’s tell you when you can eat lunch, go on break, take a vacation, take care of a sick child, or care for a parent.

Yearly Salaries of some top CEO’s:

McDonalds: Chris Kempczinski Chief Exec in 2021: $20,000,000

Kaiser Permanente: Gregory Adams, Chairman and CEO $15,562,224 (This is a non-profit)

Target: Brian Cornell CEO $17,600,000

Best Buy: Corie Barry CEO $12,840,000

Walmart: Doug McMillon CEO $24,100,000

Costco: Craig Jelinek $16,800,000

Could you live a lifetime on just one of their yearly salaries? I could. Why do they need to make that much? Most of their work, they delegate.

Capitalism, as it stands, does need to change.

More We Need to Do:

We need to learn how to use stuff destined for a landfill for other purposes. Melt down stuff and build sustainable housing. Use trash as insulation, roofing, flooring.

We need to do away with cemeteries and burying people. This is an old world concept and we do not have the land to sustain this practice. Take each cemetery, empty it, and place a memorial with all the names. Then build low cost housing.

If a property remains vacant for more than a year and not maintained, it should be auctioned off to the people immediately. Reduced property taxes and insurance for the rebuild.

Every bathroom and kitchen should have pedals on the floor to control water usage when you brush your teeth or wash dishes. How simple is that?

Housing for normal people. That means a house. Where you can paint what you want, decorate the way you want and live the way you want. Not an apartment, not a rental. A home. An affordable home. There is no affordable housing for average people in places where we would like to work and live.

Not a million dollar home with only 600 square feet. We need functional homes, not monster homes.

Maybe you are of the thinking that if we ruin this planet, we can just go to another. Not in your lifetime. Besides, we are apparently already trashing those other planets and the sky above us, so good luck with that.

Can we recover?

It is up to US.



Reverend Kristen Petroff
Reverend Kristen Petroff

Written by Reverend Kristen Petroff

Aloha, my name is Kristen (you can call me Reverend Hollywood or just Hollywood). I am an Officiant with The Universal Life Church and a Spiritual Guide.

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